Provide engineering services (design and technical assistance) for oil refining, extraction (gas, oil) and petrochemistry, at high quality standards. Our services are in compliance with Clients’ requests, have minimal negative impact on the environment and take place without professional accidents and professional diseases.
Company’s development through continuous improvement of its performances regarding the quality of services, environment, occupational health and safety.
- Compliance with contractual, legal requirements and other applicable requirements, at which the organization subscribes, with reference to her environment requirements and according to own OHS risks.
- Adequate treatment and especially prevention of deviations from requirements.
- Analyze and periodically update of the present policy in order to assure her adequacy and efficiency.
- Environmental protection including pollution prevention,
- Ensuring safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injuries and illnesses,
- Periodic analysis and updating of the present policy to ensure the adequacy of the purpose and context for integrated system point of view( quality, environment, health and safety),
- Systematic and consequent improvement of integrated HSEQ management system efficiency.
- Respect and partnership towards Clients and Suppliers.
- Concern regarding prevention and continuous improvement.
- Knowledge and compliance with legal provisions.
- Identifying, communicating and verifying the conformity with applicable HSEQ provisions, including legal ones, for all the Company’s activities, processes, resources, services and products.
- Knowledge, understanding and satisfying Clients’ requirements regarding services quality.
- Reduction of the costs due to non-quality.
- Maintaining and strengthening the company’s position on design services market.
- Communication within the company, of the importance of respecting of principles assumed and taking of measures in consequence, correlated with the control of all the aspects related to impact of her current activities and services toward environment.
- Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements both in the quality and environment area.
- Preservation, protection and improvement of environment quality, a healthy environment being essential for ensuring quality of life.
- Obtaining continuous improvement through development of evaluation procedures of the environment performances and related indicators.
- Acknowledgement, recording and processing the nonconformities, in a prompt and suitable manner.
- Periodically measuring the Clients’ satisfaction level, their perceptions and expectations.
- Periodically evaluation and analyze of the environmental aspects and the related negative impacts.
- Periodically evaluation and analyze of the risks of accidents / diseases.
- Periodically monitoring, evaluation and communication of the process and system performances.
- Development and update of the objectives, indicators and targets for prevention and improvement.
- Implementation of the necessary correction, prevention and improvement programs/measures.
- Provision of a comprehensive and operative HSEQ communication within and outside the Company;
- Insurance and maintenance of a proper reaction capacity in case of environmental and OHS emergency situations;
- Proper insurance and maintenance of endowments.
In compliance with Petrodesign’s policy, regarding implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of HSEQ integrated Management System according to the requirements of Standards HSEQ-ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018, with the purpose of obtaining of results which correspond to the requirements and expectations of our clients, the management at the highest level has proposed the following strategic objectives in the quality, environment, occupational health and security and emergency situations areas:
- Orientation towards the client and increasing his satisfaction by continuously adapting the quality, environment, safety and health policy to their expectations and needs both internally and externally, so that it becomes the concern of the entire staff.
- Maintaining and strengthening company’s position on the market by continuously improving the quality of the products and services provided by Petrodesign in strict compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, as well as other requirements to which it subscribes, by providing experienced human resources and high qualification and by improving relations with suppliers and subcontractors, promoting transparent and equitable principles so that the results obtained will be mutually advantageous.
- Reducing the negative impacts and improving the positive impacts on the environment (efficient management of natural resources, pollution prevention), under strict compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, as well as other requirements that Petrodesign subscribes to environmental protection, through direct involvement and responsible for all personnel including top management by providing the necessary financial and human resources for the continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the Environmental Management System.
- Increasing the capacity for prevention and response regarding safety and health at work, under strict compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, as well as other requirements to which Petrodesign subscribes, by providing the necessary financial, material and human resources for continuous improvement of health and safety management system efficiency.
- Satisfying the demands and expectations of Petrodesign employees, permanently involved in the activity of the company, by increasing and maintaining in the company an optimal atmosphere of work and collaboration, by ensuring the possibilities of professional development, as well as by increasing the level of competence and awareness of the personnel involved in activities with an impact on the quality of the provided services, on environment protection and safety.
- Continuous improvement of the integrated management system by directly participating in the achievement of general and specific objectives in the field of quality, environment, safety and health at work including emergency situations.
In order to be accomplished the strategic objectives, all the employees are trained in a planned manner, regarding policy and objectives referring to quality, environment, occupational health/safety and emergency situations and implicitly are aware about the commitment required for achieving them.
We are aware that our success depends on the involvement of all employees, by assuming the responsibilities for accomplishment of policy and objectives established, applicable within activities of all of us, regarding the respect toward direct beneficiaries, as well as respect for ourselves.
The company policy in the quality, environment, occupational health / safety and emergency situation area is updated and adapted periodically depending on the company purpose, mission and vision, as well as on the client’s requirements regarding services quality.
The present declaration is displayed in the information points from Petrodesign’s headquarter as well as on Petrodesign’s website:
*HSEQ = Health, safety, environment, quality management